Mathematics at Ravenswood
Mathematics is extremely important to us here at Ravenswood. Our aim by the end of each child's primary education is produce confident mathematicians who are able to calculate (using all four operations), reason, problem solve and make connections in everything that they do. Maths is more than just numbers and shapes and children need to learn to look for patterns, make connections between things and also generalise when answers are unknown. Learning from mistakes is an integral part of all of our maths lessons here at Ravenswood and children are taught to embrace mistakes whilst looking for reasons why they are made in order to progress their understanding, be resilient and take risks while they work.
Taking into consideration the new expectations from the National Curriculum (2014), we, at Ravenswood are very clear about how this affects each year group. We have therefore, this information to build solid long term plans for each year group to achieve this. We ensure all staff working with children are aware and have an understanding of the expectation before and preceding their specific year group. Please see the link below for the current National Curriculum and Objectives per year group.
National Curriculum
Mathematics National Curriculum Key Stage 1 and 2
As they progress through primary school children are introduced to and taught how to manipulate and calculate with numbers. As well as the four operations, the children at the end of Key stage 2 also look at the relationships of fractions, percentages and decimals and how to calculate using these. Leaving year 6 at the end of their primary school life, children need to be confident calculators who can apply written formal methods to all of their number work with accuracy and speed. With this in mind, here at Ravenswood we have implemented in the past 2 years an arithmetic focus named 'Operation arithmetic' providing calculation variations for Year 3 - Year 6 to be used alongside our whole school calculation policy. To ensure that all of our children are confident and accurate calculators by the time they are ready for their move to high school.
Ravenswood Arithmetic Focus:
Children have between 3 and 5 regular, short arithmetic sessions at school each week.
- Arithmetic sessions build on the classes daily mathematical learning and the four operations focus of that week/term,
- The arithmetic practice includes variations in the normal mathematical sentence structure for e.g. some sentences reversed, some sentences will have missing numbers, some sentences will have an equals sign in the middle (balancing),
- As calculating using fractions are introduced in Key Stage 2 these will appear in their regular arithmetic practice.
- Finally, percentages and BIDMAS are introduced in Year 6 and become part of the children's regular arithmetic practice,
- Where necessary arithmetic will also be sent home for practice.
Operation Arithmetic Maths Plan (Years 3 - Years 6)