Ravenswood Avenue, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9UA

01473 728565

Ravenswood Community Primary School

Be Kind, Be Bold, Be Safe, Be You

Enrichment Activities

At Ravenswood Community Primary School, we give all of our children the opportunity to join an afterschool activity. We believe it provides our children with a great way to finish the school day in a friendly and encouraging environment. Our clubs provide parents with the perfect solution to finding that extra hour in the day. Your child simply stays at school while our staff end your child's day with bout of exercise and lots of fun!

The clubs we offer are varied across the school term depending on the time of year and offer and your child's age. Our children get the chance to be active, whilst having lots of fun with their friends and taking part in activities they love. 

If a club can not take place for whatever reason, parents/carers will be notified via Parentmail and ClassDojo.

Ravenswood Community Primary School are currently members of IPSSA and Suffolk Schools Sports Games. This enables the school to compete competitively in a variety of sports/activities.